SPACE CASES "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO (YEAH!)" ACT ONE EXT. CHRISTA - FLYBY (STOCK) (CGI) DAVENPORT (v.o.) As the noted earthman George Santayana once said, those who do not listen to history are doomed to repeat it. INT. CLASSROOM - DAVENPORT, HARLAN, CATALINA, RADU, BOVA, ROSIE The kids with their compupads, listening. DAVENPORT We must remember history, and the people who went before us, so we have something to which we can aspire. HARLAN Like my dad, in the Stardogs, fighting And-- He stops, looks at Radu, realizes he shouldn't complete the sentence, since he's not looking for a fight in the middle of class. Instead of "Andromedans" he says... HARLAN ...and...exploring. CATALINA (quickly) My folks were famous diplomats. ROSIE My mom and dad are doctors. BOVA My parents had me. DAVENPORT What about you, Radu? RADU I...don't like to boast. DAVENPORT Well, I notice that you all speak of your parents...but what of your grandparents? Great grandparents? Four, five generations back? Kids look around. Shrug. DAVENPORT All right. I want you each to prepare a family tree. My portaputer has detailed Starcademy records. You should each be able to trace your family tree back centuries. RADU You have information on...everybody? DAVENPORT Except you, Radu. Our little space mishap occurred before the Andromedan government got us your family history. You'll have to fill it in as best you can. RADU Oh...that's fine. And we PUSH IN on Radu who looks extremely uncomfortable. DISSOLVE TO: INT. TEAM ROOM - HARLAN, RADU, CATALINA Harlan is working on his compupad. Radu and Catalina are playing a game together. HARLAN Hey, should see this stuff I'm finding about my family tree. It's incredible. CATALINA I was researching mine earlier. Your won't even come close. HARLAN Oh yeah? For starters, there's Joshua Band. Four hundred years ago, he was slave in Georgia. He wound up escaping to freedom. Then he went back, helped others escape, and later became a famous explorer. RADU Wait. A slave? HARLAN Yeah. He was kidnapped from his home and sold into slavery. It was actually legal on earth back then. Crazy, huh. RADU So we've got something in common. HARLAN What do you mean? RADU My people were slaves, too. Slaves of the Spung, during the war. It was terrible for us. Not being in control of-- HARLAN Look, Hairdo... RADU Radu. HARLAN Whatever. There's still a big difference, because the people in my family fought against slavery, and yours just knuckled under...they... And suddenly he sees Radu's furious expression and realizes he might reeeaaaally be pushing it. HARLAN Of course, that doesn't mean... But Radu, well and truly steamed, holds up a finger (no, not that one). RADU Just...don't say anything, okay? And he pivots on his heel and storms out. Harlan watches him go, then turns to Catalina who's staring at him reprovingly. CATALINA Haaaarlan... HARLAN (annoyed with himself) I know, I know... CATALINA You've got to learn to lay off him! HARLAN (same cadence) I know, I know... CATALINA So what are you going to do about it? HARLAN (same cadence) I don't know, I don't know... (beat, frustrated) I try! I really do! I try to treat him okay...and then I think about my dad being killed by Andromedans in the war, except now we're supposed to be friends and trust them! And I just...I want to... CATALINA But you're getting mad at the wrong guy! Don't you realize that? HARLAN Yeah, I realize that...but it's always after I've opened my mouth. CATALINA Okay, about if I help? I can...give you signals. If you're talking with Radu, keep an eye on me. If I pull on my ear, just say something like, "I absolutely agree" or "you couldn't be more right." Be as agreeable as possible. HARLAN Hey, I'll try anything if it'll make the trip back less aggravating... CATALINA ...especially for you. HARLAN Especially. INT. BOY'S BUNKROOM - TIGHT ANGLE ON - THE PILLOW The room is seriously messed up. The meteor is glowing, and now a high-pitched wail like a steam whistle is coming from it. It seems like it's capable of blowing up and taking the ship with it. And then it rolls violently forward and CRUSHES the pianophone. And as soon as it does, the meteor slows down and then stops. BOVA enters, looks around in astonishment. DAVENPORT enters. DAVENPORT Bova, what was that awful... She looks around in astonishment at the wreckage, and then sees the meteor. DAVENPORT ...racket. Bova sighs. He's sunk. EXT. SPACE - THE CHRISTA FLYBY (STOCK) CATALINA (v.o.) Well, what do you think? INT. CLASS ROOM - CATALINA, ROSIE Catalina is standing and pointing her compupad at the classroom screen. The screen CGI is lit up with a GRAPHIC of a family tree, names spelled out and interconnected via a series of branches. ROSIE It's really nice. Although I was expecting something...I dunno...flashier from you. CATALINA Ah, but my ancestry is so dazzling, it'd be overkill to do too much with the presentation. Screen off. She taps the compupad and the screen GOES OFF. CATALINA (beat) Why? Are you doing something "flashy?" ROSIE No, I decided to keep it simple. She taps her compupad, aims it at the wall. ROSIE Screen on. The screen flares to life...and Catalina jumps back as onto the screen roars with (stock footage of) a huge exploding volcano, followed by flowing lava, the rippling surface of a sun. A SEPULCHRAL VOICE intones over it... SEPULCHRAL VOICE (a sepulchral voice) Upon the white hot surface of Mercury... a group of determined colonists settled and forged a life for themselves. A life that resulted in the production of... SUPERIMPOSE over the stock footage a picture of Rosie, arms akimbo, wearing a fluttering cape. SEPULCHRAL VOICE Rosie Ianni! Fun-loving! Optimistic! Humble! Rosie Ianni... SUPERIMPOSE HEAD SHOTS of Rosie's parents, smiling and nodding approvingly... SEPULCHRAL VOICE ...daughter of Goonter and Daleya Ianni. ANGLE ON - CATALINA, ROSIE Catalina turns to Rosie, incredulous. CATALINA You call that simple?! ROSIE Relatively. SEPULCHRAL VOICE (o.s.) But our story doesn't really begin there. It begins...with the creation of the universe! WE KEEP THE ANGLE as Catalina and Rosie look at the OFF SCREEN display. WE SEE an off-screen-generated burst of light, a SFX like a million suns erupting, and WE HEAR a choral aria. Rosie is smiling contentedly. Catalina's lower jaw is somewhere around her ankles. INT. COMMAND POST - RADU, GODDARD GODDARD has the panel to the Central Console open. He has a small tool connected to it...then reaches around and tries to budge one of the controls. It won't move. RADU Problem, Commander? Radu moves the control easily. GODDARD The problem is I still can't make the ship's controls respond to me. But I'll get it eventually. RADU And what'll you do then? GODDARD I'll do... (no clue) ...things. Stardog...commander things. (moving on fast) What's on your mind, Radu? RADU Can I ask you a personal question? GODDARD No. (off Radu's reaction, Goddard sighs) What is it? RADU Could you tell me about...your family? You know, your mother, father, brothers... GODDARD I know what a family is, Mr. Radu. (beat) Mostly, we argued. We argued when I lived there, and when I'd come back to visit, we'd argue some more. My father and I, especially, always going at it. RADU Didn't you have anything in common? GODDARD Actually, we had everything in common. That's why we argued. RADU With all due respect, sir, that doesn't make a lot of sense. GODDARD Mr. Radu, you're absolutely right. It doesn't. (beat, then, slightly amused) Look, it's like they always can choose your friends, but you can't choose your relatives. Family is family. You love them because they're part of who you are. He moves OFF SCREEN, leaving Radu behind, sighing. RADU (to himself) Whoever that is. INT. CORRIDOR - DAVENPORT She's carrying the meteor. DAVENPORT (muttering) I have to watch them every minute; if I don't dispose of this myself, I can't trust them to... ..and then she starts to stagger under their weight. DAVENPORT It...wasn't this heavy a minute ago...what in... And suddenly it's too heavy for her to lift. It slams to the ground. She tries to lift it, struggles, starts to lift it a foot or so...and then it slams back down, nailing her fingers. With a slight wail of agony she pulls her crumbled hands out and staggers OFF SCREEN. We PUSH IN on the meteor and it starts to rock slightly from side to side. THE GIZBOT (the droid formerly known as Shlomo) rolls up, checking out the meteor. Gizbot BEEPS slightly, curious. Gizbot's top opens and a drill bit EXTENDS TIGHT ON - METEOR, DRILL BIT The whirring drill approaches the meteor, touches it...and then the meteor suddenly LIGHTS BRIGHTLY and shakes violently. GIZBOT rolls violently back and slams into the wall. He quickly withdraws the drill and beeps fearfully. DAVENPORT AND THELMA Walk up. By this point the meteor looks normal once more. DAVENPORT (annoyed, and shaking the ache out of her hands) Just...just bring it up to Commander Goddard. I don't want to deal with it anymore. Thelma bends over, picks it up effortlessly. Davenport notices that Gizbot is moving back and forth aimlessly. DAVENPORT What's wrong with the Gizbot? THELMA He appears to be malfunctioning. I shall have to effect repairs. It's so inconvenient when machines are confusing and less than helpful, isn't it, Miss Davenport. Davenport looks at her. She desperately wants to say what she's thinking...even starts to...but Thelma is standing there in such wide-eyed innocence that Davenport figuratively bits her tongue and EXITS. INT. TEAM ROOM - ROSIE, BOVA TIGHT ON Bova, who's looking wistfully into empty air. ROSIE (o.s.) Bova? What's bothering you? You're much more depressed than usual. (beat) I heard you got in trouble with Miss Davenport because you snuck some rock sample aboard? BOVA (distractedly) She gave me ten demerits. It doesn't matter. ROSIE Bova, whatever it is, we can make it okay. (beat) AT least give me a chance. Please? BOVA (heavy sigh) I was just thinking about my family. Wondering if they celebrated without me. ROSIE Celebrated what? He turns to look at her as we go to... INT. COMMAND POST - GODDARD, THELMA Thelma is holding the meteorite. GODDARD Kids. We told Bova we'd collected enough mineral specimens, and he had to drag that aboard. Not that I care about some piece of rock, but it's the principle of the thing. (beat) Well...I don't want to just dump it into space. Space hates litter. THELMA We could feed it into the ship's recycler systems. It would be broken down and incorporated into the protomix. But the systems are down for routine maintenance. They won't be on line again for twenty four hours. GODDARD We're still moving, aren't we? THELMA Yes, of course. The ion glide is fully functional. GODDARD So we're just not going faster than light. Okay, fine. (indicating the meteor) Stash it in the airlock until systems are up and running again. She nods and EXITS EXT. SPACE - THE CHRISTA FLYBY (STOCK) HARLAN (v.o.) Now my great grandfather...he was on the mission that made first contact with the Rigelians... INT. GALLEY - HARLAN, RADU, CATALINA Eating lunch. HARLAN It was only voice communication...but still... CATALINA That tothing. My grandfather was in the diplomatic team that first arranged for colonizing of the planets in the Sol system. about you? What's your family tree like? RADU Oh...I'd really rather not... CATALINA C'mon, Radu, you'll have to tell us sooner or later. RADU Nothing special. Really. HARLAN I'll say that you're-- Catalina frantically pulls on her ear. Harlan realizes that he's doing it again. Instead of saying "nothing special" he substitutes... HARLAN --you're,'re right. RADU I'm right? Cat beams, and Harlan, more confident, says... HARLAN Yeah. You're absolutely right. But Radu, suspicious, is sure he's being set up. RADU About not being anything special? HARLAN Right. Cat frantically shakes her head. HARLAN I're not right...but in a...right sort of way... CATALINA (to the rescue) I just always figured you must come from some kind of important background, Radu, what with you being the first Andromedan to the Starcademy. Come on, you're holding out. RADU No, I'm not...I really don't have any major people in my family... HARLAN You heard the man, Cat. He's not holding out. So don't bother him. Cat nods approvingly as Radu is looking at Harlan in confusion. Harlan, emboldened, continues with new and unfortunately misplaced confidence... HARLAN I mean, so what if he's got nothing in common with us! That's not big deal! Heck, maybe he's got something to hide, but that doesn't mat-- And Cat starts yanking frantically on her ear, trying to shut Harlan up. She yanks so hard on her ear she almost rips it from her skull...which we see from her suddenly agonized expression RADU I don't have anything to hid! You want to know about me? Okay, fine. (fast and furious) I'll tell you about my father, Umar, who! I'll tell you about his father, Udar, the, uh, the Untamed...he was leader of the first mission to the far side of Andromeda...and he was married to Omra, who was ..uhm...what would you call it... HARLAN (not expecting a yes) President? RADU Yes! Right. Our president. CATALINA Your grandmother was president and your grandfather was a pioneer? Wow. RADU Right. Wow. see? I've got as good a family as you! I'm as good as any of you. Rosie and Bova enter. She's almost pulling him. ROSIE Guys...wait'll you hear this: Two days ago, by Uranus was Bova's birthday. CATALINA Why didn't you tell us? HARLAN We love birthdays! We're birthday animals! They move towards him, AD LIBBING "That's great." And we PUSH IN on Radu who, desperate to fit in... RADU (impulsively) It's my birthday, too! DIFFERENT ANGLE - KIDS HARLAN Yeah? INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIRLOCK - THELMA Thelma is placing the meteor inside. THELMA Rest well, little rock. This time tomorrow, You'll be pulverized. And she doesn't we PUSH IN on the meteor. It lights up, blazing brilliance, and we see for the first time the shadowed outline of A CREATURE WITHIN. And then the doors CLOSE, blocking it from view. FADE OUT. END ACT ONE