SPACE CASES "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO (YEAH!)" ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. SPACE CHRISTA - FLYBY (STOCK) (CGI) INT. BOY'S BUNKROOM - RADU Staring at his compupad. Then he starts tapping the controls. RADU (trying to remember) Now...what did I tell them...? It was...Umar the, I said that was...Udar...that was it...I thinkt hat was it... He stares at the screen a moment more, then tosses it aside and puts his face in his hands. INT. TEAM ROOM - CATALINA, ROSIE, THELMA Brainstorming session. ROSIE And don't worry...the cake will be ready for Bova and Radu's birthday party. CATALINA Noisemakers. Thelma, we could also use noisemakers for the party. Thelma opens her mouth wide and A DEAFENING FACTORY WHISTLE blasts out. The kids hit the ground, hands over their ears. Thelma closes her mouth and looks around. THELMA Do you need anything else? KIDS (deafened) Whaaaat?!? DISSOLVE TO: INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIRLOCK - RADU He's passing by, slows...and stops, once again touching his head as if in communion with something. Then slowly he looks towards the airlock. RADU can't be... He quickly cycles open the airlock and looks in at the meteroid. It's not moving. RADU I don't believe it. INT. COMMAND POST - HARLAN, GODDARD Harlan is at the controls under Goddard's watchful eye. HARLAN Say coming to the party? GODDARD What party? HARLAN The birthday party, for Bova and Radu. GODDARD Oh. Maybe later. Although I'm surprised Radu knows his birthday. I didn't think any Andromedan did. HARLAN Why? GODDARD Well, this isn't generally known... Stardogs are still researching it. But I've heard... HARLAN What have you heard...? INT. CORRIDOR - BOVA, ROSIE Rosie slightly in the lead as they walk. BOVA Why does Miss Davenport want to see us? ROSIE Some new science project, I think. RADU catches up with them. He's carrying a box, large enough to accommodate the meteor. They keep walking. RADU Bova! I got something for you...a present... ROSIE Radu, your timing's perfect. RADU Perfect? Why perfect? INT. TEAM ROOM - RADU, BOVA, CATALINA, ROSIE, THELMA, DAVENPORT The Team Room is festooned with a party set-up. Cat, Thelma, Davenport, are all waiting as Radu, Bova, and Rosie enter, Radu continuing the conversation. RADU Rosie? Why is the timing...? KIDS (ad libs) Surprise!!! Happy birthday! Radu puts down the box as Davenport speaks. DAVENPORT We have gifts...a game or two lined up...and a lovely cake... Harlan enters as... RADU There's...there's so much I want to say... HARLAN (angry) Oh yeah? Like what? Like, "Thanks everyone, but...I lied. I don't know when my birthday is. The others react to this. HARLAN Or maybe you want to say, "Andromedans are born in hatcheries, with no past, no known family...nothing. Because having no family makes us better fighters...slaves...whatever." You want to say, "Harlan's always worried I can't be trusted, and it turns out he's right..." Dead silence. And then, without another word, Radu bolts from the room. As he goes, Goddard ENTERS. He looks at the departing Andromedan in confusion, then to kids. GODDARD What just happened here? INT. BUNKROOM - RADU Charges in. He flattens with his back against the wall, and starts to sob. PUSH IN on him and then THELMA'S HAND extends into frame, holding a tissue. He reacts, startled, as WE PULL BACK TO REVEAL... THELMA extending it to him. RADU Uh...thanks. He wipes his face. THELMA Why did you become upset at your party? RADU Because I screwed up, and they all knew it, that's why. Because I wanted to be like them so much, I'd have said anything...I did say anything, the first dumb things that came to my mind. (beat) I guess wanting to have a family...even a pretend one...was too much to ask for. You couldn't understand. THELMA I couldn't? But I had always thought a family is not only the people to whom you are born...but those to whom you belong. (beat) Did I screw up, too? RADU (softly) No. Not at all. INT. TEAM ROOM - TIGHT ON - THE BOX It's beginning to tremble slightly, and WE HEAR a low throbbing starting to come from it. HARLAN (o.s.) I can't believe you're angry with me? I'm out of here! INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE TEAMROOM - HARLAN, CATALINA, GODDARD Harlan EXITS the team room angrily, Goddard stepping out after him, stopping in doorway. GODDARD You used that information I gave you maliciously! If I'd known what was going on, I'd never have-- HARLAN What, told me the truth? Since when is telling the truth something you get yelled at for, huh? He stalks off. Goddard is about to go after him but Catalina steps out. CATALINA Let me talk to him. And Goddard, who'd probably throttle him if left with him, gestures for Catalina to follow Harlan. She does so. INT. CORRIDOR - HARLAN, CATALINA She catches up with him. HARLAN I tried, okay? I tried to be nice, and I tried to watch what I said, but it just didn't work out! And he didn't make it any easier! Admit it. CATALINA Okay, I admit it. He messed up...and so did you. And he said dumb things, and so did you. And he got made when he shouldn't have, and so did you. HARLAN Good. I'm glad, for once, you see it my way. CATALINA I guess I haven't been of much help. You should really be talking to someone you have a lot in common with. HARLAN Absolutely. CATALINA (got'cha) Like Radu. And this quiet observation brings Harlan up short. He looks at her. INT. TEAM ROOM - TIGHT ON - BOVA He pulls open the top of the box AND SEES... INSERT - THE METEOR Trembling and GLOWING FROM WITHIN...and suddenly it seems to LEAP... INT. BOY'S BUNKROOM - RADU WE SEE him working on his compupad and then he raises his head, touching his fingers to his forehead, wincing as if in pain...and then his eyes widen. RADU Already?! It's happening already!! And quickly he's on his feet. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE TEAM ROOM - ROSIE DAVENPORT, CATALINA hightailing it out as, from within the Team Room... GODDARD (o.s.) All of you, get as far away as possible! Hurry! INT. TEAM ROOM - HARLAN, BOVA, GODDARD Bova is on his back, pinned under the meteor, grunting under the weight. Goddard and Harlan are trying to budge it, to no avail. HARLAN It wasn't like this before! It feels like it just got...a hundred times heavier! RADU (o.s.) It does that when it gets close to the breaking point! Radu quickly enters frame. He moves quickly, grips the meteor and hosts it off Bova, plunking it to the ground. The meteor is GLOWING, giving off a high-pitched sound like a nuclear tea kettle. GODDARD Get it off the ship! RADU We can't! If we do, it'll die! HARLAN Die?! It's a rock from Cygnus 12! RADU No! It's an egg! Like the kind I hatched out of! GODDARD You mean that's a baby Andromedan in there?! RADU No, it's a rare animal that comes from's called a Gurkel. And it's having trouble being born! If I don't crack the egg open, if I don't help it... (beat) Please...don't let your not trusting me cost a creature its life. Goddard and Harlan look at each other. HARLAN So he lied. Big deal. It's one of the most human things he's ever done. GODDARD Do it, Mr. Radu...and if this blows us up, I'll be very disappointed in you. Radu takes the meteor, puts his strength into it, grunting...and he BREAKS OPEN the egg. Harlan, Bova and Goddard look on in amazement. BOVA Well? Radu slowly reaches in and withdraws a bizarre looking creature...a small blue bundle of fur. We can't see much beyond that. HARLAN It's...dead, isn't it. RADU (nodding) Bova...I'm...sorry. BOVA It's all right. You tried. DAVENPORT, CATALINA, ROSIE Peering in through door, curious as to what's going on. GODDARD slowly starts to reach for it, but Radu ignores him, instead determinedly "kneading" the small creature in his arms, urgently, determinedly, not willing to give up. Goddard puts a hand on Radu's shoulder. GODDARD Radu... RADU (calmly) Wait...just wait... And he keeps kneading it, working on it. Long moments pass and begins to move. Slowly it raises its head. It's cute, cuddly, with a beak, large eyes, and ears like an Andromedan's. It looks around. HARLAN You did it! GODDARD Congratulations, Mr. Radu. You're a father. RADU Like they say, you can't choose your relatives. The Alien stops playing and watches as Radu give the Gurkel over to Bova, but the creature begins to struggle. BOVA He won't stay still! What's wrong with him. RADU Her, actually. I...I'm not sure... BOVA Wait...I bet I know. There were other eggs back on Cygnus 12. I bet she wants to go home. (beat, looks at the creature...and smiles) Giving someone a family as a birthday present...that's a pretty nice thing to do, isn't it? GODDARD Yes, Mr. Bova...I'd tend to agree. Harlan, Radu...bring us back to Cygnus 12. DISSOLVE TO: INT. COMMAND POST - GODDARD, HARLAN, RADU Looking at view screen. RADU Entering upper atmosphere of Cygnus 12. Radu walks forward from the navigation system towards the command console. GODDARD Take us in for a landing, Mr. Band. RADU I don't think that'll be necessary, Commander. (into speaker on Command Console) Catalina, Rosie...get the airlock ready! Bova...put the Gurkel down and stand back. INT. TEAM ROOM - BOVA, DAVENPORT Bova puts the Gurkel down. Davenport, standing a few feet back, happens to be in the direction of the door. PUSH IN ON Davenport as her jaw drops and WE HEAR THE FLAPPING OF WINGS and a high pitched SCREEN GURKEL'S POV - BOVA, DAVENPORT A WORM'S EYE VIEW that RISES QUICKLY, again with the SFX of WINGS FLAPPING. ANGLE ON - DAVENPORT She HITS THE DECK as the airborne Gurkel, gorgeous rainbow-colored WINGS OUTSTRETCHED, hurtles past her. INT. CORRIDOR - THE AIRLOCK - CATALINA, ROSIE They've cycled it open. Catalina, wide-eyed, points. GURKEL POV - OVER THE SHOULDER Gliding down the corridor towards them. BACK TO SCENE As the Gurkel sails into the open airlock. Rosie punches a button and the airlock CYCLES CLOSED. ROSIE Inner door sealed! CATALINA Open outer door. Rosie punches another button and WE HEAR a whoosh from within. EXT. CYGNUS 12 UPPER ATMOSPHERE (GREEN SCREEN/CGI) The Gurkel, wings outstretched, angles AWAY FROM US and down towards Cygnus 12...and home. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SPACE - THE CHRISTA Sailing away fromt he planet. INT. COMMAND POST - ENTIRE CAST Goddard approaches Radu. GODDARD You know, Radu...the first thing they teach you in command school is that a commander must never express regrets. It undermines crew confidence. If I were allowed to do so...I would apologize for having caused you embarrassment. But you understand...I can't. RADU (smiling) Understood, Commander. Oh, Miss Davenport...I thought I'd turn in my assignment early. family tree. He holds up his compupad and taps it. TIGHT ON - THE SCREEN Headshots of the crew of the Christa with branches connecting them. BACK TO SCENE ROSIE Oh, Radu...that's so... HARLAN Sappy. CATALINA Is that all you have to say, Harlan?! HARLAN Yeah. That's all. (and then, very, very softly, a bare whisper) I'm sorry. RADU I heard that. HARLAN I knew you would. Harlan extends a hand. Radu, smiling, grips it firmly. Harlan takes it, maintains his own smile, then the moment they release he turns and WE SEE his face twist in agony as he grips his apparently now-shattered hand. As he moves OUT OF FRAME, probably to seek medical attention... UPPER SKY - CYGNUS 12 - THE GERKEL Soaring through the air and frolicking with others of its kind as we... FADE OUT. THE END