Final Draft
Friday, December 15th, 1995
SPACE CASES "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO (YEAH!)" TEASER FADE IN: INT. BOY'S BUNKROOM - BOVA, HARLAN Bova is lying on the floor, STARING object. The object is semi-spherical in shape, looking like a bizarre cross between a meteor and, to some extent, and egg. It's fairly large, at least two feet in diameter. The object is perched atop a small table. Next to Bova is a bizarre musical instrument that looks like a futuristic piano. Then HE HEARS the SFX Jump Tube, indicating that someone is coming. Quickly he tosses a sheet or blanket over the meteor, grabs up the instrument and starts playing a weird, slow haunting tune on it. Harlan slides in through the tube. HARLAN You're getting really good on that pianophone, Bova. BOVA Thanks... He lifts a hand in a dismissive "it's nothing" gesture. The pianophone keeps playing in precisely the same way. BOVA's just a matter of practicing. Bova suddenly realizes that the bit's blown. Harlan looks at him, amused. HARLAN "A matter of practicing?" BOVA I was practicing faking. Bova sighs, shuts off the instrument. HARLAN Bova, you okay? Something bothering you? Bova shakes his head. Harlan shrugs, turns his attention to the meteor, not having been fooled for a second by Bova's clumsy attempt to hide it. HARLAN So...what are you hiding there? (beat) It's that rock formation, isn't it. The one you found when we were exploring the surface of Cygnus 12. The on Commander Goddard and Miss Davenport said you couldn't bring with you. BOVA (guarded) Maybe. (beat) There were lots of them around. I figured, who's going to care? HARLAN Anyone else see you sneak it aboard? BOVA No. The girls were busy elsewhere, and Radu... HARLAN (overlapping) ...was laid up in medlab with a sprained ankle, so he never even got out there. Okay. Let's keep it hidden and between us for now. The fewer people who know about it, the less chance of it getting back to the Commander or Miss Davenport. Grabs his compupad. HARLAN We're due for class. You coming? BOVA Sure, why not. It's not like I had any other plans. HARLAN Why'd you bring that rock aboard, anyway? BOVA A...present for myself. That's all. Harlan, not understanding, shrugs and heads out and Bova, the last one out, looks over his shoulder and sighs... BOVA After all...most people get a present on their birthday. He EXITS and, as the door slides closed, the pianophone starts up again. And then we PAN OVER to show the meteor under the blanket. The music from the pianophone starts to speed up...and now the meteor actually begins to REACT. It trembles under he blanket...and suddenly the blanket ERUPTS in a burst of light. The blanket is gone. Then the table begins to sag under the meteor, as if the object's weight has begun to increase substantially. The legs of the table bend inward, and then the entire table SHATTERS UNDER THE WEIGHT. And seconds later, objects start vibrating and then leaping off the shelves, clattering, falling, breaking in some instances. The room is not shaking. Only the objects are as the room erupts in total destruction. And the music from the pianophone keeps going, and we PUSH IN ON THE METEOR, vibrating wildly as we... FADE OUT. END TEASER