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News Articles

Sci-Fi Channel Playing Waiting Game: Write To Nick,
Ask Them To Release Space Cases!

This information reposted with permission from ZaBaGaBe!

Greetings Space Cases!!
Hope you enjoy the first season episodes!! And I know that everyone was surprised by the change in the lyrics and the use of the second season credits (a bit modified). To answer your questions, yes, Bill did write those lyrics. They were written and recorded at the same time as the second season credits were prepared.

Okay folks, we're getting down to the wire here. You made your voices heard by the SciFi Channel. Now we REALLY have to get NICK to make a deal with them for the show. The deadline for set storage is the end of the month, so we really need ALL of you to help! I know a lot of you have been writing faithfully, but please write at least ONE letter to NICKELODEON, urging them to sign a contract with the SFC. And, of course, we still need letters to go to the SciFi Channel, urging that they do the movies -- especially from you adults. Let SciFi know how very much you want some family movies and programs to share with your kids! Here's those addresses again:

  Mr. Ian Valentine                                Mr. Herb Scannell
  Movie Development                                President
  The SciFi Channel                                NICKELODEON
  1230 Avenue of the Americas                      1515 Broadway
  New York, NY 10020                               New York, NY 10036

And don't forget to write to:

   Ms. Lisa Clancy
   Archway/Minstrel Books
   Simon and Schuster
   1230 Avenue of the Americas
   New York, NY 10020
   **AND** her e-mail address:

Tell her what you've heard about SciFi wanting to pick up SC and how much you'd LOVE to see those books! :)

While on the subject of writing letters, thought you'd all like to know that 85 well-wishes were sent out to Cary and little Paige Baryl Polly. Thanks to all who sent in your congratulations. We'll let you know if we hear back from Cary.

And, speaking of supporting the things we enjoy, don't forget to stop by your local BABYLON 5 area and let them know how much you'd miss Lennier if he's not part of the 5th season. AOL members can go to Keyword B5 and those of you on the Web, check out the Official BABYLON 5 site at:

Peter's next two Star Trek: The New Frontier books are due out the first week in July. Books One and Two are already in the bookstores (and, if your local shop doesn't have them, ask "why not?" then get them to order the series for you. There's several SC references for you to find, and they're very good stories, too.

Don't forget to check out the new SPACE CASES website at:


The site has been updated, and now includes soem terrific "behind the scenes" photos -- and more wonderful things are planned --

"Gizbot Follies", a print fanzine, is still seeking submissions for a first issue! They want original SPACE CASES short fanfic pieces, art, poety, or whatever. New stories not previously published or posted to the web/net are preferred. Nothing stronger than a PG 13 rating, please! If you're interested in submitting, E-mail either of the following addresses - -or-

We welcome all our new members to our ranks! Things have been so busy here with the letter-writing campaign, we've neglected to send out the back issues of the newsletter -- so, if you haven't received issues #1-5, please drop us an e-mail and we'll get them out to you as soon as we can.

NICKELODEON is continuing to show first season episodes, but have rearranged the schedule a bit. Here's the latest schedule (obviously subject to change):

   Sun. Jun.   22    Break on Through to the Other Side   1:30 PM Eastern
   Sun. Jun.   22    Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Court          5:30 PM Eastern
   Sun. Jun.   29    A Friend in Need                     1:30 PM Eastern 
   Sun. Jun.   29    The Impossible Dram                  5:30 PM Eastern
   Sun. Jul.    6    Who Goes Where?                      1:30 PM Eastern
   Sun. Jul.   13    Prisoner of Luff                     1:30 PM Eastern

Also, coming up this week on the SciFi Channel, you can catch Kristian's first episode of THE ODYSSEY, "To the Lighthouse":

   Fri.   Jun  20    8:00 AM Eastern
   Sat.   Jun  21   11:30 AM Eastern


The Campaign Continues:
Space Cases' News & Updates

This information reposted with permission from ZaBaGaBe!

Greetings Space Cases!!
First off -- Happy Fathers' Day to all the SC dads out there -- hope you enjoy your present from NICK - an offering of first season episodes!!
Secondly, congratulations once again to everyone for making your voices heard! By now, you've all heard the news that the SciFi Channel has made an offer to NICK to obtain the rights to air the 26 episodes of SPACE CASES, with an eye toward the possibility of SPACE CASES tv movies! (Those of you who don't get the SciFi Channel -- don't fret, we'll figure something out once we get SPACE CASES to continue) -- So we've all got to keep writing to NICK (snail mail) to get them to agree to the offer, and to SFC (snail mail and e-mail) to let them know how much we appreciate them making the offer and just how much we'd love to see those movies! Here's those addresses again:

Mr. Ian Valentine
Movie Development
The SciFi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Mr. Herb Scannell
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

And don't forget to write to:

Ms. Lisa Clancy
Archway/Minstrel Books
Simon and Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

**AND** her e-mail address:

Tell her what you've heard about SciFi wanting to pick up SC and how much you'd LOVE to see those books! :)

Here's a few words for you all from Bill Mumy:

Thank them for me for their tireless support of the show, and let them know we're moving ahead, pedal to the metal, to keep the Christa flying.

Also, don't forget that Bill's terrific solo CD, DYING TO BE HEARD, is available through Infinite Visions and can be had as simple as calling 1-800-755-8735...and it'll soon be in record stores everywhere on Renaissance Records -- Bill's working on several musical projects right now, including a second solo album, a second Jenerators album, reissuing the old Barnes and Barnes catalogue on CD (through Rhino Records), writing songs, and playing gigs with the band -- Whew!! Talk about busy -- and that's just his musical endeavors!

Peter is very busy as well, and you can find the latest of his releases at your local bookstore -- Star Trek: The New Frontier, Books One and Two are out and are well worth the effort to get them!! If your favorite bookstore doesn't have them (ask them why not!), have them order the books for you -- there's a special bonus surprise lurking within for SPACE CASES fans :)

Speaking of special bonuses, don't forget to check out the new SPACE CASES website at:


The site is still under construction, but there are many wonderful things planned, including behind-the-scenes photos!

Congratulations are in order for Jewel Staite (Catalina) -- she won the Vancouver division of a Canadian national singing contest and will be representing Vancouver in the finals in August!!

"Gizbot Follies", a print fanzine, is still seeking submissions for a first issue! They want original SPACE CASES short fanfic pieces, art, poety, or whatever. New stories not previously published or posted to the web/net are preferred. Nothing stronger than a PG-13 rating, please! If you're interested in submitting, E-mail either of the following addresses - -or-

And finally, NICKELODEON has decided to show the first season episodes again! This is a double bonus of being like new episodes for those of you who missed them the first time around, and some relief for those of us who have worn out our first season tapes -- here's the schedule as far as we have it:

Sun. Jun.   15    Forever Young                         1:30 PM Eastern
Sun. Jun.   15    Nowhere Man                           5:30 PM Eastern
Sun. Jun.   22    The Impossible Dram                   1:30 PM Eastern
Sun. Jun.   22    Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Court           5:30 PM Eastern
Sun. Jun.   29    Break on Through to the Other Side    5:30 PM Eastern
Sun. Jul.    6    Who Goes Where?                       1:30 PM Eastern

Whew!! What a busy week!!


PAD Reports: SciFi Channel Sends Memo To Nick -
They Want Space Cases!

This information reposted with permission from ZaBaGaBe!


I just talked to Peter David and I have some terrific news for you all -- A memo has been sent to Nickelodeon from the SciFi Channel asking to acquire the rights to the 26 SPACE CASES episodes. These would be shown on the SciFi Channel AND on Nickelodeon, with the SciFi Channel having an eye toward making a series of SPACE CASES tv movies!!!

That's right, folks! All your hard work, loyaltyeser determination has paid off -- SciFi wants SPACE CASES!! And it is all because of YOUR efforts!

Now, settle down and float back to Earth a bit -- we still have work to do -- this is not a "done deal" -- Nickelodeon hasn't responded to the request from SciFi and there's no guarantee that, should SciFi get and show SC, that they will actually make the movies -- So, we still need to write some letters. We need to write to Herb Scannell at Nickelodeon again, asking that he approve the deal with the SciFi Channel. We need to write to Ian Valentine telling him how very much we all want SPACE CASES movies -- how much all age groups enjoy the show -- how much appeal there is for SPACE CASES as something families can enjoy together.

Okay -- I know a lot of you are saying you don't get the SciFi Channel -- never fear -- those of us who DO get it can hook up with those who don't and trade video tapes -- you can pick your best online or local friend with the SciFi Channel and arrange to have any new SC movies/episodes taped for you. And remember, each 2 hour tv movie is the equivalent of *4* episodes -- and would give us more in-depth stories and more of a chance to have a lot of fun with it!

AND, to top it all off, as a way of saying "thank you" for all your support, Peter and Bill have a little surprise cooked up for the fans -- I can't give you the details yet -- hopefully, it'll be ready for you next week -- but it's something I know you'll all enjoy!!

I just want to add a personal note here -- THANK YOU one and all for everything you've done for the show -- without you, SPACE CASES would be just another one of those endless Nickelodeon reruns -- I am VERY proud of you all!!


Here are the addresses to write to:
Let Sci-Fi Channel know how much you would like to see movies, and how much you and your family enjoy the show!

Mr. Ian Valentine
Movie Development
The Sci-Fi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

AND!!!! E-mail seems to hold interest for the SciFi Channel people, so write to them at:

And let Nickelodeon know that you'd like them to give Space Cases to the Sci-Fi Channel!

Mr. Herb Scannell
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

Remember, your letters do make a difference!!

SciFi Channel Unsure About Space Cases.
Write Those Letters NOW OR NEVER!!

This information reposted with permission from ZaBaGaBe!

THIS IS IT! The final battle of the fight for SPACE CASES! Yesterday's meeting with the SciFi Channel was not as productive as we would have liked... -- but IT'S NOT DEAD YET!! We still have a chance but it's got to be NOW as NICKELODEON won't spend the money to keep storing the sets -- by the end of this month, we have GOT to convince SciFi to go with the show! Here's wlivePeter had to say:

Sci-Fi Channel in general and Ian Valentine in specific need to be convinced that there is across-the-board interest for the series. The thing that made the most impression on Valentine was the e-mail he was receiving. Unlike Nickelodeon who ignores e-mail or considers it merely an annoyance, Sci-Fi Channel is really into that.

The decision is going to be made by the end of this month (it has to be, because Nickelodeon won't pay for storing the sets any more) and this is the most crucial time. It is, literally, now or never.


You've all been great about writing, but now it is CRITICAL that EVERYONE write!! Snail mail AND E-mail -- if each and every one of our 325 members writes just one snail mail letter and just one e-mail a week for the next 3 weeks, this means that Ian Valentine will receive 2,050 pieces of mail supporting Space Cases -- and, if you can get your friends and family to write, too...well, you get the idea. Tell him how much you love the show, what you like about it, how much your friends and family like it and, most importantly, how much you'd love to see it continue, as movies and/or a series, on the SciFi Channel. Here's where to write and convince them there is a fan base and general interest for the series!

Mr. Ian Valentine
Movie Development
The SciFi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

AND!!!! E-mail seems to hold interest for the SciFi Channel people, so write to them at:

Also, go to their website ( and register a name, and post to the Space Cases board under the "The Colony" (Current TV) -- you can also use "Feedback" to sent e-mail directly from their website --

You folks have gotten SPACE CASES this far, keep up the good work for the show, cast and crew that we all love.

Remember -