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Hosted by Robert Rhodes at Aloha Daze |
Where's Bill Mumy's page? Well... Absent,
since he didn't make himself as
publically available online as Peter David did at the time I designed this page.
However, Bill does have his own page for Space Cases.
I didn't create a fancy graphic with Bill's name on it though...
Bill, I know you're out there... don't take it personally, eh? :)
Peter David has many references and pages to Space Cases...
Just look at PeterDavid.net's Google search result for Space Cases.
Space Cases:
Blooper Reel Review |
You asked for it, and here it
is! A review of the Space Cases blooper reels that Peter David often takes to
conventions. |
Convention Report:
Stellar Occasion 4 |
It's true that this report isn't
*just* about Peter David... but, since he doesn't exactly visit Dallas often, I thought
I'd include it here. :) |
PAD Interview
Part One |
Reposted here by permission from
ZaBaGaBe!! |
But I Digress... May 2, 1997 |
Peter David, in his But I
Digress... column published weekly in the Comics Buyer's Guide, wrote a rather
nice article on Space Cases' past, present, and future.
Please note that some information mentioned in this article.. the previous location of this
website, for instance, and the times at which Space Cases airs, are no longer accurate. |
Same Old, Same Old |
As published in the Comics
Buyer's Guide, issues #189-199, this unused Space Cases story is reposted here in
it's entireity. The story takes place during the first season, with Catalina still onboard
the Christa. Same Old, Same Old is
scripted, and presented here in three parts as per a normal episode of Space Cases:
Teaser | Act One | Act
This story is reproduced by permission from Peter David,
and is Copyright © To Be Continued, Inc. |