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The Space Cases Folks have been asking if I could put together a review of the Space Cases blooper reels... well, you asked for it, and here is that review. I'd like to point out, however, that this review is dull and boring compared to actually watching the bloopers. This review simply doesn't do the blooper reels any justice! If you ever get a chance to watch the blooper reels, take it! You won't regret it!
CastMost of what's in the bloopers is blown lines. As PAD said, On the one hand, it's funny. On the other hand, it's my dialog they're blowing! But it's interesting to see how different people react to blowing their lines. Walter Harlan Jones didn't seem to blow his lines all that much, but did have a bad habit of looking straight into the camera. When he realizes he's doing it, he says, I'm looking right at the camera. And you can hear someone in the background saying, You are. Hi, Walter. How you doing? Rebecca Suzee Herbst says sorry most of the time. Kristian Radu Ayre just shakes his head and says I forgot my line or I'm lost, usually completely and noticeably out of character. But he did that in character one time, and his deadpan-expression while saying "I forgot my line" is quite funny. Anik Thelma Matern usually stays in character as she says things like, Oh, dear, I forgot my line, or takes a very long pause and tries the line again. I suppose with Thelma being as goofy as she is, they might be able to use the take as is. Rahi Bova Azizi goes into Valley Boy mode, saying, ya know, ya know, ya know If this is Rahi's natural accent, then he does a wonderful job of hiding it while in character. Paige Rosie Christina gets a big, angelic smile, and giggles uncontrollably. You can see why they cast her as Rosie! Cary Davenport Lawrence is the most fun to watch. She jumps up and down, pounds her fists, stomps her feet and growls to in frustration at her blown lines. Picture Davenport at her most hysterical, and that's how Cary gets when she blows a line. Paul Goddard Boretski either starts babbling (b-b-b-b-b) or simply hangs his head in frustration. One time, Rahi started to say words of comfort to him ("It's ok, Goddard.") George Warlord Shank Takei also forgot a line, and started laughing hysterically. The people playing Rosie's parents (not professional actors, but Producer Ted Jessup and Paige's real-life mother) could not seem to get their lines right at all. Season 1We Gotta Get Out of This PlaceWhen Bova comes out of the jump tubes, and Radu says "Bova!"... Kristian runs, slips, trips Rahi, and both of them land sprawled on the floor. Who Goes WhereWhen Thelma tells Goddard what happened from the beginning: All right! First, there was [really long pause] All right! When Radu starts to threaten Cat in the engine room, Jewel giggles. She then starts her line late, when they're focused on Kristian. A Day in the Life>From A Day in the Life, the blooper reel editors cut together the scene where Davenport's face lands in the food with the Ferna Herna saying Ew! They also cut together Davenport taking the worm out of her mouth (from Kangaroo Court) with the Ferna Herna saying Ew! Spung at HeartWhere Rosie is scanning Catalina in the medlab, Jewel says, in a soft, mournful voice, What's my line? In the scene where Elmira makes predictions for everyone, a camera is suspended about 20 feet from the floor. You can see somebody click that thing to mark the scene, then painstakingly climb down the ladder and pull it out of the way. Forever YoungRadu to Harlan: "Well, maybe if you hadn't taken the computer off-line, then this this probey thingy " Nowhere ManWhen Davenport is explaining light speed and demonstrating with a flashlight, Cary can't get the light to turn on. Tie Me Kangaroo Down, CourtWhen Davenport leaves Goddard in the command post, Cary keeps slipping trying to get into the jump tubes. The Impossible DramEveryone on the set was cracking up when Anik tried to deliver the Excellent idea, Pierre line. Break On Through to the Other SideThere is a scene where, for no apparent reason, Walter and Paul start shouting Would you want to drive your Volkswagen into a suitcase full of nitroglycerine?!? [Thanks to Mary Morris, for filling in the mystery word!] When Bova's cord comes loose and Radu leaps after it, Kristian misses the cord, looks at his empty hand and cries out, He's gone! Season 2New Places, New FacesPaul calls Rosie Suzee The Sporting KindRebecca calls Rosie Rhomby! Paige trips coming out of the jump tubes. Marcel Amirge Jeannin is supposed to click some device to make a smoke screen appear, but he can't do it through the large prosthetic fingers. Long Distance CallsWhen Jewel blows a line, she turns her head, and you can clearly see her long hair braided down her back behind her neck. King of the HilRahi trips and falls while getting out of one of the giant fruits. Homeward BoundWhen Goddard is under the Christa, he tells Radu Leave me! That's an order! Radu replies: No way, sir! and Paul yells, still looking in agony and completely in character, I can't remember my line! Rahi swings on a vine, lets go of it, starts to deliver his lines, and the vine swings back on camera and slaps him in the face. Both Sides NowImmediately after the transformation, when Andromedan Harlan lifts human Radu, Walter only manages to lift Kristian a few inches and says, "That was wimpy!" Rahi as the Mercurian Bova comes up to the transformed Harlan and says, Wow! Harlan! You're an Earth man! no, you're not RunawayKristian leans forward to use some controls and says, Ah! My hair! Trouble with DoublesPaige forgets her line while she is supposedly reading from her report card. A Friend in NeedBova's line to Davenport is supposed to be are you satisfied now, but instead Rahi says, Are you happy now? And Cary replies: Well, yes, I am happy, but perhaps more satisfied would be a WORD YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO USE!!! Rahi's first kiss: at the end of the episode, Harlan comes down the jump tubes and kisses Suzee. Then Radu comes down the jump tubes and Suzee kisses him. Then Bova comes up, arms stretched out for a kiss, and Suzee pats him on the head. Except that, during the last take [which is on the blooper reel], Rebecca kisses him full on the lips, and Rahi goes wild: Arms extended and thumbs up, yelling, Yeah! All right! Score! PAD said the take was so genuine, they came "this close" to using it. He also said that this was Rahi's first kiss ever, And we've got it on film! Page designed and edited by Tracey Rich and Robert Rhodes. |